
Biomagnetism Therapy has truly changed my life!

For years I suffered from red blistering, burning rashes. Each breakout would last three to twelve weeks, with maybe three weeks between breakouts if I was lucky. It started as a small patch under my arm, but with every new breakout it spread to a different part of my body. The last breakout I had was all over my face and covered me from head to toe. Originally I went to traditional practitioners. They scraped the rash, did blood tests and allergy testing. Yet no one gave definite and useful solutions. One suggested I had Lupus. Another said ringworm. I paid $1600.00 for a doctor to diagnose me with severe allergies and recommend I wear a beekeeper suit whenever I go outside for a long period of time. After seeing ten doctors, my faith in the medical professionals was just as blistered as my rashes. Last year, my daughter suggested I try Bio Magnetism Therapy after she saw her friend’s mother go through it and have excellent results.

In my first session, with Biomagnetism specialist, Marielena she noticed details and reached conclusions that had taken me fifteen years to realize. She helped me discover the problem foods causing my rashes, which let us develop a diet specifically for me. An extreme breakout I’d had during my first visit healed within half its usual time. After three months, my skin felt softer and healthier and I finally believed I was on the right path.

By the sixth month all of my doubts had transformed into confidence. Rashes were infrequent, only appearing when I ate any of my problem foods. For the first time in over a decade, I felt in control of my own body.

My family and friends can’t believe the results less than one year of treatments has made. I’m happy and healthy!

I recommend Bio Magnetism Therapy to anyone who wants to become more in tune with their bodies and learn new ways to stay healthy.

Helped My Body to Heal From Several Disorders

I have been receiving Biomagnetic treatments from Marielena since July 2015. In less than a year she addressed with accuracy and helped my body to heal from several disorders. A couple of examples were a chronic shoulder pain due to a twenty year old injury has nearly disappeared! I couldn’t do even simple movements without horrible pain. I can function normally now. Also Marielena pinpointed the allergies that were affecting my skin.

For many years I had been going to medical doctors and other health practitioners to help me with these and other health issues but with no avail. Marielena is now saving me from having to take so many supplements that weren’t helping me and thus saving me money too.

I appreciate that Marielena uses scientific terms (although in Spanish which I understand) of the body’s organs and parts as she treats with Biomagnetism. So not only is she attentive to being technically accurate when it comes to treatments but above all is very caring. She exerts herself to helping our bodies to heal. I say “our bodies” because I have several friends who have marvelously benefited from Marielena’s Biomagnetic treatments.


Volver a Una Vida Normal

Hola Maria Elena Hoy quiero darte las Gracias por toda tu ayuda por que sin ti hoy estuviera acostada en mi cama sin poder moverme por los mareos que me daban y sentir que me daban ataques de corazón y los doctores no en con trarme nada y pagar mas de $ 4000 en doctores y exámenes y yo cada día mas mal que me sentia Pero Gracias a Ivon que me platico de ti y pues aqui estoy ya trabajando viviendo mi vida normal y olvidando a los doctores Gracias otra vez y Gracias por también cuidar de mi hija y quitarle también sus dolores mas problemas que también los doctores no lo en contraron hoy mi hija y yo estamos bien y felices por en contrarte Muchas Gracias.

Conventional Medicine Had Not Been Able to Help Me

Both Bio Magnetico and Maria Elena were introduced to me by a friend. This friend is decades younger and had been diagnosed with stage four Lupus. She said she had been greatly helped by this magnet based therapy and no longer had Lupus.

This convinced me to try this type of therapy even though I had decided to end my decades long search for relief from my acute chronic health issues. Conventional medicine had not been able to help me. The symptom relief based approach had just made me worse and given me few answers.

I had a lung disease (spending years without a voice), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, systemic fungal infection, adrenal exhaustion to name just a few. I spent time in the hospital when my central nervous system shut down. I had tried so many well meaning alternative Medicine practitioners at great expense.

By the time I first visited Maria Elena I was without hope. I was aware from all my research that having an alkaline/acid imbalance made the immune system unable to fight pathogens effectively. The science behind using the the positive and negative magnets to create the perfect environment for the body to heal itself is simple and very effective.

From the moment Maria Elena first applied the magnets to me I knew they were helping me.

She worked tirelessly to find the pathogens causing my illness. She was able to determine what foods I could eat, what allergens were hurting me in my environment, and clear debilitating emotions. With each session I experienced improvement. I had flu-like die off symptoms each time as my immune system waged a battle to save me.

Maria Elena was careful not stress my body too greatly as one pathogen would be removed and more would be found. Maria Elena’s treatment style is comprehensive, effective, and non invasive. She energizes the body’s immune response pathways, employing magnets in empowering the brain to heal the immune system. She keeps current with the CDC and infectious diseases.

I have no doubt that the science of Bio Magnetico has saved my life. Maria Elena’s expertise in this field is brilliant and trustworthy. Maria Elena hates disease and loves to help people. Healing individuals according to their own physical and emotional needs and genetic predisposition.


Anxiety was killing me!

It wasn’t until I had my first visit with Marielena that I start feeling normal again, After being in and out of ER with Anxiety Attacks with out any real solutions and explanation about what causes my Anxiety I thought I was going to die sooner than I have realized than a friend recommended Biomagnetismsd.com I made an appointment and as I was explaining at the beginning I was very please with Marielena and her explanation about Anxiety Attacks, after my very first visit with Marielena my ER visits are gone!!!! I feel new again and planning to keep having my bio magnetic Therapy on Monthly Basis.

Thank you very very very much for your help.

B. R.